Thyroid~ a very important gland responsible for many body functions!
The thyroid produces both T4 and T3 but T3 is approximately three times more potent that T4 and is the active form of the hormone.
In order to get more T3, a healthy body will convert roughly 60% of the circulating T4 into T3. This process occurs most in the liver by an enzyme called iodothyronine 5' deiodinase. The remaining T4 is converted to T3 in a healthy GI tract. If you have a healthy liver and GI tract, you'll be optimally converting T4 into T3.
Common reason the liver may not be converting T4-T3
Advanced glycation end products (AGES)
High carbohydrate diet
Leaky gut syndrome
Mineral and vitamin deficiencies (selenium, zinc, iron, vitamin A, B-6, B12
Heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc..)
Petrochemicals and other toxins
Infections (Candida)
Adrenal dysfunction
Growth hormone deficiency
Drugs (propylthiouracil, methimazole, dexamethasone, propranolol, amiodarone, birth control medication, estrogen, lithium
Postoperative state
Physical trauma
Anti-TPO antibodies
Alpha-Lipoic acid
Need help drilling down to root cause of your thyroid problems? Send me an email to find out more about how to heal the body and restore the thyroid's natural function!